Nov. 19, 2021

Broadcast Management Group Produces Rocky IV Premier Live Broadcast using LiveU Wireless REMI Workflow

BMG live broadcasting "Rocky IV" premiere with LiveU REMI workflow technology

8-camera live event promoting Rocky IV Rocky Vs. Drago, The Ultimate Directors Cut features pre-show, live Q&A with Rocky Star, Writer, Director Sylvester Stallone in Philadelphia with production taking place in Las Vegas

The iconic Rocky IV film featuring Rocky Balboa’s (Sylvester Stallone) trip to the USSR to defend his title against Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. To commemorate the milestone event and the release of the new Ultimate Director’s Cut, full-service media company, Broadcast Management Group (BMG) partnered with, MGM Studios to produce an 8-camera live program in several locations within the Philadelphia Film Center from its state-of-the-art Las Vegas REMI Broadcast production hub. LiveU’s LU800 multi-camera production level field units is at the core of the REMI production workflow, delivering high-quality, cost-effective live video transmissions.

“We are thrilled to provide live transmissions of the special event commemorating the anniversary of Rocky IV and the franchise’s message of unwavering determination to fulfill one’s dreams,” said Mike Savello, LiveU VP of Sales, Americas. “The LU800’s ability to transmit four fully frame-synced full-HD feeds from a single portable unit changes the economics of remote production and gives companies like BMG the ability to deliver high-quality live content to movie screens, televisions and mobile devices.“

The live production featured a 20-minute live pre-show, followed by a 25-minute Q&A with the Star, Writer and Director, Sylvester Stallone followed by the premiere of the film to audiences at 700+ Fathom Event Theaters nationwide. The production was shot with eight Grass Valley broadcast cameras including a jib in the theater, plus two cameras on the red carpet. BMG’s CEO Todd Mason directed on site the live broadcast from BMG’s REMI Mobile Unit One. Signals were sent from two LU800 field units back to the BMG REMI broadcast hub in Las Vegas and then uplinked to Fathom Theaters.

To learn more about the LU800, visit: